The podcast cover design was made over iterations using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
There are many rules of thumb and pieces of advice I learned in my research that I keep in mind during the recording process. This includes the room quality (for sound), how to make a good follow up question, and more.
Before each interview, I have to schedule a time to meet with them and prepare questions. The questions are specific to the individual I'm interviewing, and I like to have a general order to direct the flow.
My podcast is recorded and edited in PremierPro. I edit the audio by using presets such as "dialogue," "podcast voice," and "female voice" to even the volume, lessen reverb., etc.

I started listening to podcasts in 2017, and I had no one my age to share them with yet. But over the last few years, I've gotten friends to listen to this fantastic medium, and my appreciation has only grown. I started with a Dungeons & Dragons comedy podcast called "The Adventure Zone" which sent me on the path to listening to many more after. I love the way you can directly connect with an audience even though you're almost having a one sided conversation. I am really like the informal tone of many podcasts, where its just friends talking but you are entertained anyways. It was podcasts like these that inspired me to want to try it out for myself. In the image to the left, there are some Podcasts that strongly influenced how I wanted to present my own work and inspired me.
My creative process included getting to know each person I interviewed and getting to know their art form before I interviewed them. This way, the dialogue flowed naturally and there was already a friendly chemistry and shared sense of humor that makes listening more enjoyable. To do this, I had some relevant connection to the people I interview, whether they be someone from Arts Scholars, a friend, family, teacher, etc. I ensured that were people I was comfortable talking with. I found out in advance what topic of art they’d like to discuss, and did my own research into the topic beforehand. I had the chance to organize and present like a journalist so that I could make the most of my time talking with a guest.

Before each interview, I would try to prepare questions specifically tailored to my guests' interests, while still keeping with the core theme of my podcasts. There were some questions that I asked consistently in each, and some that were bouncing off points based on specific topics. I would send the list to my guests before inviting them on so they would have some time to prepare if they wished, but I was also comfortable with having them come up with answers on the fly.
I played around with GarageBand and Adobe's Audition before settling on Adobe PremierPro to edit my audios. Even though it is primarily for video production, it has really beginner-friendly audio editing presets and I have experience with using it before. I would ask one question at a time, and try to smoothly transition the conversation topics forward. I would also often try to edit out whenever we took too long of a pause or coughed and such. To produce the finished episodes, I just had to export as a MP3 file.